Sunday 12 July 2009

Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga gets its name from Bikram Choudhury, Whose teacher was bishnu Ghosh, the brother of paramahansa yogananda. In bikram Yoga practice, The body's temperature is forced up by sealing off the room and turning the heat up high, this is will helps to warm muscles and flush toxins from the body. Bikram involves a set sequence of postures. There are twenty-six postures, standing and balance, back bends, forward bends, twisting postures. Breathing is emphasized, and the ujjayi breath as well as fire breath are practiced.

A bikram yoga class make for an intense workout and tends to attract men for the reason. However, Bikram yoga meant to be open to everyone whatever your sex, age, or state of health.

Bikram yoga may help further battle hepatitis c by detoxifying the body, according to standish, who also prescribes yoga for cancer patients after they have completed chemotherapy.

At the Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle, Washington, Bikram Yoga is used as a regular part of treatment for hepatitis c.