Monday, 13 July 2009

Bikram Yoga benefits

The benefits of Bikram Yoga :

Works every organ, gland, nerve, tendon, ligament and muscle in the whole body every Bikram Yoga session, Expands your capacity to breathe deeply and fully, Prevents injury and may prevent or improve chronic illness, Promotes better sleep, you may even need to sleep less, Fabulous body toning effects, Weight loss or gain depending on your body's needs, Improvement in posture and body awareness, Diminishes the effects of stress, Increases balance, coordination, focus and discipline, Clears your mind, Calms your soul.

Pranayama Breathing
This gives mental relaxation, and works on the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems of the body, as well as detoxification of the body.

There is many postures, such as:
Eagle Pose
Triangle Pose
Tree Pose
Toe Stand

There are many benefits if Your try to take bikram yoga class. So join today and get the health benefit for tour body.